Updated: July 27, 2021
MEETING: Thursday, May 27th at 11am, Community Room
June 1 Voluntary summer athletics and activities may resume in group settings
· Dragon Fly Max account created for all coaches/sponsors (Required to pass check-in)
· Dragon Fly Max account created and all forms completed for all participants (Required to pass check-in)
· Physical dated on or after April 15, 2019 required for summer activity on file (Required to pass check-in)
- A physical dated on or after April 15, 2020 is required for the first official practice date or on the first date of the new school year.
· Shelby County Directives for Contact Sports Facilities will be followed
· NFHS Guidance For Opening Up High School Athletics and Activities will be followed
· Hand sanitizer required upon entrance and exit of facility
· Screening questionnaire for all participants upon entrance.
· Completed screening questionnaires kept on file until further notice
· Hygiene supplies (soap and paper towels) provided in restrooms
· Locker rooms off-limits for gatherings
· Equipment adjusted to permit six-feet physical distancing
· Groups avoid physical contact and contact outside their own group
· Equipment cleaned and sanitized before, during and after each use
· Student-athletes provide own water containers. Water fountains off-limits
· Students are to exit facility immediately at the conclusion of event. Coaches may leave when all players exit.
· Enhanced sanitation and cleaning measures at the discretion of the coaching staffs
June 22 – July 5 TSSAA Dead Period
July 6 Voluntary summer athletics and activities may resume following same guidelines as above
August 17 1st day for students. Athletics and activities may resume following same guidelines as above
December 21 The Governor has issued Executive Order No. 70, effective immediately and remaining in effect through January 19, 2021. Because of the significant increase in the incidence of COVID-19 infections in Tennessee, additional restrictions on who may attend interscholastic athletic practices and contests will be in place.
Unfortunately, large scale attendance by spectators and students must be curtailed. Doing so means that bands, pep bands, cheerleaders, and dance teams may not attend athletic contests while these restrictions remain in place. In accordance with the new Executive Order, the only attendees permitted at practices or games, in addition to the student-athletes on the team, are:
1. Players’ parents or guardians and immediate household members;
2. First Responders;
3. Coaching and team personnel;
4. School, game, and facility administrators;
5. Athletics officials; and
6. Media and athletic scouting personnel attending the event in their professional capacity.
Social distancing between persons from different households is required. While the Executive Order does not mandate the use of masks, the Governor has encouraged masks, and the TSSAA COVID-19 Sports Regulations provision regarding the use of masks remains.
These are minimum restrictions. Depending on particular school, facility, or community circumstances, school officials may require additional limitations on attendance.
The Governor’s office conferred with TSSAA about these restrictions. TSSAA concurs with Governor’s office that these restrictions represent the best means for us to continue providing interscholastic athletic participation opportunities to our student-athletes while also doing our part to curb the spread of the virus. We remain hopeful that we will soon begin to see a decline in the instances of infection and that our schools will soon be able to return to more normal operation of their athletic competition.
January 19 Governor Lee extends attendance restrictions for sporting events
April 1 TSSAA update to reflect CDC recommendations
April 19 The changes involve what is allowed as far as wearing masks and attendance recommendations provided physical distancing protocols are followed in outside venues.
July 27, 2021 TSSAA updates member schools with fall sports guidelines and protocols